Friday, December 30, 2005

This is a picture of Nora that is featured on page 119 in a portrait book published by Half the Sky Foundation. Richard Bowen (he and his wife Jenny created HTS to give back to the children who remain behind) received permission to photograph children in eight orphanages where HTS had established preschool programs. I was flipping through the book and, WHAM, there she was. I didn't want to believe in the coincidence until Charlene, CHI's China liaison, confirmed the symbols were Morning Leaf. It's a beautiful portrait, but kind of freaky that my child's image is for sale. Check the store tab in the HTS link, Nora's print, along with 11 others, is for sale individually. Kind of unnerving. I hope when I get back with Nora, proving that I'm her parent and not some crazy asking for pictures, that I can get through to someone at HTS (so far no luck), to see if there were other poses from the photo session; wouldn't you think there would have to be?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow Marji! I think you did a great job setting this up. Thanks for giving us the link.

Denise B